2019年3月7日,英国政府正式修改移民法:1. 进一步收紧投资移民,大幅提高申请难度;2.确定关停英国企业家移民签证,并用全新的创新者签证取而代之。
1. 收紧投资移民,提高申请难度
1. 相比当前投资移民申请只需要证明自己持有200万镑达到90天,改革后的新移民法要求申请者必须证明,在申请投资移民签证之前,他们对自己的资金至少控制了两年。
2. 进一步加强背景调查,未来投资移民申请人在递交材料时,还要附上银行对其所做的尽职调查证明(due diligencen checks),以及申请人的身份背景调查证明(Know Your Customer enquiries),以防冒用他人资金进行申请等情况的发生。
3. 如果申请人需要通过投资中介(intermediary vehicles)来进行投资,那这些投资中介必须要 接受英国FCA监管,同时申请人必须保留完整的转账记录。
英国移民局将对申请者的资产情况进行 不定期检查,若认为申请人对投资款项无足够控制权,或者资金不合法,或者投资对公共利益无益,则有权取消签证或拒签。
4. 根据改革,英国投资移民签证申请者将无法投资英国国债,200万英镑未来必须要投资英国当地本土企业中,确保英国企业能真正受益。
The government has today (7 March 2019) brought forward a number of changes to the Immigration Rules, which further demonstrate its commitment to attracting leading talent, whilst also cracking down on abuse.
The rules will provide skilled business people access to two new visa routes to set up businesses in the UK. The Start-up visa route will be open to those starting a business for the first time in the UK, while the Innovator visa route will be for more experienced business people who have funds to invest in their business.
Both routes will see endorsing bodies and business experts - rather than the Home Office - assessing applicants' business ideas. This will make sure that the routes are focussed on only the most innovative, viable and scalable businesses.
Alongside these new routes, the Home Office is also bringing forward reforms to the Tier 1 (Investor) route. The reformed route will better protect the UK from illegally obtained funds, whilst ensuring that genuine investors have access to a viable visa route. Applicants will be required to prove that they have had control of the required £2 million for at least two years, rather than 90 days, or provide evidence of the source of those funds.
The Home Office will also extend the salary exemption in the Tier 2 (General) visa so that the NHS and schools can continue to attract and hire experienced teachers, nurses and paramedics from overseas. The salary exemption applies to all nurses and paramedics, medical radiographers and secondary school teachers whose subjects are in maths, physics, chemistry, computer science and Mandarin.
A two-year scheme, which will allow up to 20 nurses from Jamaica to come to the UK to gain vital experience in NHS hospitals as part of an exchange scheme, has also been announced.
The government has already supported and relocated over 1,000 brave Afghan interpreters and their families, so they can rebuild their lives in the UK. However, in recognition of their support for the UK's armed forces, the Home Office is bringing forward rules changes so that eligible partners and